Need for speed 2015 cars nerfed
Need for speed 2015 cars nerfed

need for speed 2015 cars nerfed

Server browser will save the layout changes made between game sessions.

need for speed 2015 cars nerfed

– Added a sortable column to the server broswer that displays icons for popular game mods running on that server. – Added a sortable column to the server browser to display whether a server is running a map from the workshop or not. – Fixed the server browser showing the map workshop path in the “Map” column. It swaps the StatTrak value between two of the same weapon. – There is now a StatTrak swap tool available for purchase. – Trade up contracts work on StatTrak weapons. – The accuracy of the MP9, MP7, and Mac-10 have been improved. – Lowered scoped movement values for AWP and Autosnipers. – Lowered Tec-9’s magazine size to 24 to reward more discriminate firing. – Increased Tec-9’s damage fall-off to reward players that close engagement distance. – Increased price of the M4A1-Silencer from 3100 to 3200 to align the weapon’s price with its utility. – Tagging values have been tweaked slightly to increase tagging on higher mobility weapons, and updated values for tagging on multiple hits to make it more effective (Added a guide to explain how tagging works: – Improved spawnpoint selection code to not spawn at occupied spawn points or spawn points of a different team.

need for speed 2015 cars nerfed

– Fixed spectator sometimes not getting the smoke overlay for the player they are spectating when that alive player is inside smoke. – Updated the vertical position slightly of the smoke particles to reduce seeing though edges of the smoke (particularly at the bottom). – Updated expiration of the smoke screen overlay to match more closely to the visuals of when the third person particles expire and vice versa. – Fixed players being able to double stack inside a smoke to peek out of the top (and be really hard to see from outside the smoke). – Smoke grenades are now more reliably kept track of on the client to prevent mismatches between smoke particle visuals and screen overlay visuals. – Nuke has been moved to the Reserve map pool. – Train has been added to the Active Duty map pool. – Operation Vanguard has come to a close.

Need for speed 2015 cars nerfed